Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rock Band 3

The makers of the Rock Band series are working on a new title. They are creating Rock Band 3 which is going to be different from the old Rock Band games because the creators are saying that the controllers will actually help you learn to play. It will be coming out Holiday 2010.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Scribblenauts 2!

Many people have probably heard of the successful game Scribblenauts by now but there has been an announcement for a second game. I haven't found much information yet but when I do I will let you know. The first game was based on the fact that you could type something on the DS and it would appear allowing you to solve puzzles.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monster Hunter Tri

There will soon be a new game coming out called Monster Hunter Tri. It is made by Capcom and it is the first of the Monster Hunter series to come out in the US. At Gamestop they are giving out free demos of the game. In it you use crazy weapons including a axe that changes into a sword, a bowgun, and giant lances to kill dinosaur-like monsters. I have rated this game according to the demo but try it yourself, you might see it differently.

4 out of 5 Stars